""HOMELESS IN AMERICA: Twenty-One Songs of Social Conscience for the 21st Century"".
Over 30 top Nashville Musicians and vocalists perform songs with political and social content currently censored from most mainstream radio: Issues addressed include anti-war, poverty, healthcare, social security privatization, taxation, environmental, gun control, civil rights, Native rights, globalization and more. Exposes the utter hypocrisy of the neo-Cons and religious wrong. Satirical, topical and a few serious songs. Music genres include country, blues, Americana, R&B/Soul, rock, pop, bluegrass, folk and alternative.
CD offered to activist and similar organizations and student groups as a fundraising tool at cost. Please contact Freedom Tracks Music for more details about our fundraising offer at 800-992-8084. Proceeds beyond production, promotion and distribution costs go to homeless and related charities. More information, related promotional items including ""U.S. Steal"" T-shirts and bumper stickers and several free song downloads available at www.FreedomTracks.com
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�2015-2016 Indie Music
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