I'm 18 years old and live in cardiff. I write my own songs and I'm currently studying music in colege. I also co-run a club night in cardiff called PlAyGrOuP!I love world music,jazz,rock,Reggae/Ska...everything really. I'm really enjoying gigging and performing at the moment and discovering new music and sounds is my passion. Anyways...i hope you like my stuff!!

Running boy
This was aranged by a lovely man called Garry Hughes who lives in monmoth. It's being used in a documentry some time soon.


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Last logged in: 6/8/2013 4:15:35 AM         Pageviews:  11951
Al Stravinsky Woah. That's a quality voice! Nice guitar too. Oh, and the song - very nice. Take care - Al
LaCina I second the motion with my good friend Al!
Concert chairman You're on at 8.00 after t' Bingo. Look at the scrolling board for more info. Ta
Brian Booth/Serendipity T'concert chairman said you were worth a listen. He's not often wrong. Now: Be sharp, they're like animals after the bingo, if the pot rolls over they're a bit wired up, do summat nice that they all know, I'd say
Hugh Heard you at Serendipity VIII - lovely sounds are you on the guitar too? Sweeet.
welcome cookies
Brian (again) Ruby - a concerned IAC memener said I might have to explain my shout, above. If you don't get it (or, more importantly, the End of the World Social Club station), please send a PM and I'll try to explain the Northern England club circuit hell to you
brian (finally) B*gger these specs - that's 'member'
Brian Booth/Serendipity Hello - this is a new station, in which I'm asking artists who've been on serendipity stations to nominate one of their songs, new or old, for inclusion, with a brief review of what you like about it. Hope you can join in
* Your song 'Be With You Soon' has just been added to Davies ISON AnD fRiEnDs station!
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Msg  Go!

I am performing at Th e small nation festival this weekend!! and i have uploaded 2 new songs...woohoo!
Radio Free Oxbow

4/23/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 11/30/2024 12:04:30 PM
Pageviews: 11951

ruby Samba