Updated 3/19/2008 7:56:18 PM
Last View: 9/18/2024 6:49:35 PM
Last Login: 6/5/2009 6:59:21 AM
IndieMusicPeople.com       mysticangel_001
About Me
life summary
Who you are is defined by your beliefs. If you "believe" that you are undeserving then you will never achieve your desires, but if you believe in yourself and your dreams then you are only held back by the extent of your imagination.
I live for…
Finding the good in everything around me.
I despise
People who use others for their own personal gain.
self-chosen nickname
life turning point
The day I was standing at my patio door, watching a storm, and decided to have a little talk with God. The clouds parted, the sun shown through my window for about 30 seconds, then closed back up and the storm raged on. It was a very powerful and life changing moment for me.
in 10 years I'll be
Wow that's too far to even contemplate.
in 10 minutes I'll be
Cooking dinner. LOL
experience of high strangeness
Too numerous to list
most overrated
The belief that money brings happiness. If you're not happy without wealth then you certainly won't be happy with it. Happiness is a state of mind.
most underrated
Believing in what can be.
my advice to you
Life is only as good or bad as you believe it is. Live your life like it's the most amazing life ever and before you know it it WILL be.

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9/14/2007 8:59:17 PM
Pre-release review of Nikki Sixx's "The Heroin Diaries"




My IndieMusicPeople Links
Dennis Mitchell Band   Amazing group of guys and amazing musicians! Good friends of mine from way back!

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      11/15/2007 5:01:06 PM Add Comment
beautiful here!

the name drew me, when I saw you on the front page---!

in music!

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