* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to PROLE ART THREAT station!
Satan You terrify me.
Hugo Schizo de Luna - Way outta tuna...how many halloween cards am I supposed to send you? One for each personality? Or just one for the body?
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to Soul Retrieval station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to SOUL RETRIEVAL 2 for new soulful songs station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to Honey Bear station station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to THREE LITTLE WORDS station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to JAWZ ON AIR station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to RADIO ACTIVE station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to DISCOVERY CHANNEL station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to SPEED DATE EXPERTS station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to JAW DROPPERS station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to MYSTERY TOUR station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to SWEET MEDICINE station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to THE BOUNCER station!
* Your song 'Schizo de Luna' has just been added to THE SCARY STATION station!
Artie Thank you good people, I have seen the light and I will only produce sweet, happy music for you xxx
deb hahaha I've got my eye on you!
Neubeatz Yes they are that fast round here..............ha ha :)
* Your song 'Turning over a new moon' has just been added to The Global Village station!
Neubeatz Sorry Art, but I took your track off "Prole Art Threat", as it no longer meets the required criteria for inclusion...........
Artie I'm taking it off now...it's embarrassing ! :)
* Your song 'Monsters Revenge' has just been added to The Scream station!
* Your song 'Monsters Revenge' has just been added to Killer Cockroaches From Outer Space! station!
* Your song 'Monsters Revenge' has just been added to Have your people call my people station!
* Your song 'Distorted Vision [Stegor & Soo]' has just been added to PA station!
IAC Your song 'Distorted Vision [Stegor & Soo]' has just been added to Off the Wall station!