I am a singer/songwriter hailing from San Francisco by way of Chicago and New York. I particularly enjoy writing and recording songs about questions that are too big to answer, which I feel are important to ask anyway. These days, I'm focused on acoustic sounds, trying to capture the basic musicality of a song through the interplay of guitar, bass, mandolin, and ukulele. I find that limitations can be very inspiring creatively, but if a song really cries out for an electric guitar, I'll put it in. I'm not a purist in that regard. The most important thing is what feels right for the song.

At Least (At Last)


Art of Existence

Alternative Pop Rock

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Lars Mars Hi Joe, say howdy to Richmond for me. Former Bay Bridge commuter. Nice tunes! Post more..
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New CD "In the Balance" out October 29, 2007

The new Joe Strell CD In the Balance is scheduled for release on October 29, 2007. The CD will be available through numerous on-line channels, including Amazon.com, CD Baby, iTunes, and PayPlay.fm

In the Balance is Joe Strell's third release on the independent label Dansbane Eländet, following his 2005 debut Under a Mackerel Sky and the 2006 release Enormous Morning. Embedded with his trademark hooks of gliding slide guitar, plucky uke, and shimmering mandolin, In the Balance comprises fourteen tracks that showcase the range of Strell's unique acoustic sound. Some tracks are lavish productions that resound with multi-part harmonies and complex arrangements, while others strive for stark minimalism, attaining a delicate intimacy that lingers like the scent of a summer shower (or haunts like the sting of love lost). To listen to this record is to embark upon an intensely personal journey with the meaning of love and life held in the balance.

A Word from Joe

"Everything exists in relation to everything else. There is a balance that is achieved of its own accord. We may upset this balance temporarily, but the system eventually will settle into a new equilibrium--albeit one not necessarily to our liking. What matters is not so much where we weigh-in on the important questions, but that we bother to ask them in the first place. What really lies in the balance is our hope for the future and our faith in the past, both of which extend from the fulcrum that is now. Which way do you lean? " -- Joe Strell

Track List

at least (at last) / she smiles / flowers from a previous arrangement / shoreline of heaven / waiting on a lifetime / what sadder thing / distant blue / mood (clown noire) / if only it would rain / a subtle breeze / making senseless / take this time / your turn / a lament for love (empathy)


Joe Strell - vocals, guitar, mandolin, ukulele, dulcimer, bass, percussion, drums
Marie Jacobsen - harmonica on "distant blue "
Meghan Strell - duet vocals on "your turn"
Jack Lenzo - art direction, design and photography
SNAP FM - a Desperado Revue station
Zombie Muse-ak
Enjoy These Choons 2
Thank You

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Songs with RAIN in the Title   Ever felt like it was "raining all over the world"? This is what it sounds like!

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Joe Strell