What's up? My name's Drew, and I put together a few songs that I'd like to share with you all. They're electronic, but eventually I'd like to start a metal band under the same name. I originally used the name "Volte Face" after I saw the flash animation "Volte-Face" by Underclocker on www.albinoblacksheep.com, but I changed to Outbound Flight after I read about the doomed Jedi project to explore the intergalactic void on the Star Wars Wikia page. Hopefully this won't end up the same way! lol

The Builders
Me just having fun with Live Mode. Enjoy! (length: 9:29)


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I use MAGiX Music Maker 10 deLuxe for my work. I know I don't do very many songs (maybe one a month, probably less), but I always have one in progress.

About the names:
I recently found out that "volte face" is French for "to turn around" or "to make a u-turn", so I might change it back here in a while! (so what if the French are pussies, I like it! lol)

9 February 2008
Finally got some songs put up. Took me long enough to do it! lol I've got another one in the works that has kind of a tropical sound to it, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to finishing it. When I do, I'll put it up for you guys. Cheers!
3/26/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/2/2024 7:24:11 PM
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Outbound Flight