Victory In The Morning
The most uplifting song in years. Perfect for people to feel better in todays problems IE Economy and War. Spiritual song.


Baby, I Can Love You
Catchy as heck. Great hook. Fun to listen to over and over. Will stay in your head.


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Last logged in: 6/3/2013 5:41:59 PM         Pageviews:  8689
David Ross Mikole n Carrie - Mikole is the most versitile horn player in the Palm Springs Area. Carrie is just plain jazzy. You will love the way they mix his horns and her vocal. Produced by me. Enjoy!
* Your song 'Baby, I Can Love You' has just been added to brown station!
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* Your song 'Baby, I Can Love You' has just been added to A LIST station!
IMP Your song 'Baby, I Can Love You' has just been added to DEMOISELLES station!
IMP Your song 'Baby, I Can Love You' has just been added to GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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GIRL FM - a Desperado Revue station
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3/7/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 9/20/2024 8:28:49 PM
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Mikole n Carrie