Tricia Greenwood just released a new Valentines Song, Available on itunes

In Heaven 9.11
A song to comfort those who have lost loved ones, initially released for 9/11 now for the world as since 2002 the whole world cares....

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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Singer and Songwriter, Tricia Greenwood’s song “Baby, You’re My Valentine,” spans generations of couples falling in love. Just released on iTunes in the UK, the sound waves are as busy as Cupids arrow sending this romantic love song around the world right on time.

Greenwood says, “I wrote this Valentine’s Day song to create more romance and as a reminder of the reasons we first fell in love from the first kiss to the silly things we did, and what’s special about each other. I believe in true love and making great memories is a big part in what makes love last. The act of courting is exciting, whether we go out or stay in on a romantic date, the feeling is what it’s all about. This is a song to listen to and send in an email or via a ringtone to someone you love on Valentine’s Day.

Tricia enlisted her friend, Dan Nieckarz, a jazz guitarist on lead guitar, Vinson Hudson on bass and drums, and Leelee Stone on harmony vocals. Greenwood says, “After recording the main tracks of the song with Vinson, I got together with Russell Bond from the Music Annex in Menlo Park, CA. Ruseel is the guy in the music business with golden ears. Russell listened to the rough mix a few times and said, “I like it! All you need are harmony vocals on this song.” Say no more. I called Leelee Stone, who has previously recorded with me on two other songs. Russell recorded Leelee’s vocals. He is amazing to work with.”

Mixed and mastered at Vinson Hudson’s private studio in Redwood City, CA. Hudson says, “The music business is changing. Tricia’s song, “Baby You’re My Valentine,” falls into a category of new music with old school sensibility, which is something I like. Tricia is someone with a genuine love for music, something you don’t see very much anymore.” Hudson’s talent and goal is to develop new artists in various genres. As it turns out, this Valentines Day song actually became a co-engineered, co-mixed collaboration of love. “Baby, You’re My Valentine,” is a refreshing song that kindles sparks of love with a beat DJ’s can download and spin in their remix.

Tricia is currently composing songs for her next album set for release in the Spring. Her songs are on iTunes, Amazon and Rhapsody. To read reviews on Tricia’s website, visit
Folk Acoustic Americana

4/12/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 3:08:35 AM
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Tricia Greenwood