About Bad Love Junkie
BAD LOVE JUNKIE is the stage and
recording name of singer/Songwriter
Eric Saitz (born in Pontiac Michigan)
He currently resides in Berrien Springs
about 50 miles east of Chicago. Eric
writes, performs, records, and produces
every track on every song by himself in
a small basement studio in his home.
The name Bad Love Junkie came from a
title to one of his earlier unreleased
songs. He is always working on new
material continues to pour his heart &
soul into a alt/country/rock sound that
transcends time and the fashion of the
day. Always new..always searching...

The most personal song I've ever recorded. The subject matter of the song makes some uncomfortable but it is what it is. Again more Alt/Country in style which is what I was really into at the time. I really love this song. Thanks Eric


A mix of Alt/Country and Indie Rock styles..

Alternative Country

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Bryon Tosoff

3/17/2011 3:07:13 PM
headshrinker is a hip groovin tune,.nice piece with those touches of organic qualities too you nailed a winner there on this song. good one


3/11/2011 9:17:07 PM
Hello Eric and welcome to IAC Music.

On behalf of everyone here I want to personally thank you for joining IAC. We look forward to hearing your music and songs and to you sharing them and your music experiences with us. There is much to do here and fellow artists who are anxious and willing to help you find your way around.

As you may have noted in the Recent Topics section on IAC’s main page, there are new changes currently underway and taking place at IACMusic.com designed to strengthen and improve the site for the benefit of all. Should you experience any problems or have questions at any time please do not hesitate to contact our support staff at IACsupporthotline@gmail.com or feel free to get in touch with myself at the KIAC Media, LLC page: http://iacmusic.com/personal.aspx?id=146829

We look forward to you being a part of IAC and to your involvement and participation as IACMusic.com moves forward and continues to serve our growing artist community.

Neil w Young

Bryon Tosoff

3/5/2011 9:48:10 PM
Cool tunes Eric, thx for sharing



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* Your song 'It's Nobody's Fault' has just been added to The Gatekeeper station!
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* Your song 'It's Nobody's Fault' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
* Your song 'Not Sad, Hopeless' has just been added to The Gatekeeper station!
* Your song 'It's Nobody's Fault' has just been added to The Godfather station!
* Your song 'HeadShrinker' has just been added to Certified Organic station!
* Your song 'HeadShrinker' has just been added to MUSIC IS TRUTH station!
* Your song 'HeadShrinker' has just been added to INDIE SPIRIT station!
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Bad Love Junkie