of vampiric love, alienation, self-empowerment and individual expression..

songs are voiced with a deep, dark-edged sword, full of a presence and
attitude that is not to be crossed. Ranging from a full-force rockin'
attack, dripping down to a rich, sombre low delivered with a solemn vow of determination. The sharp lipstick twang of the Danelectro slung low, kicks with a grating bite and shimmers into a silvery vibrato moon.

Gene Vincent married Marlene Dietrich with a twist of Tim Burton, Dave
Vanian and the Sisters of Mercy..

Brigitte Handley fronts the band with her fierce vocals and mean guitar, she is joined by fellow B-Grade girls, Carly Chalker, slamin' out on bass and Stella Mozgawa pounding away on drums. Their new EP ‘Identity’ will be released independently real soon…

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ScuttrandBarb@charter.ne rockabilly goth vixens
ScutrrandBarb@charter.ne Check out Bridgitte Handley's Sleeping with a Vampyre. Crank It Up!
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Brigitte Handley