Watch me with brown eyes and I'll tell you with blue. I am Scott Charles and I am in a miniature band that calls itself The Lonely Conductor. IN this band you can find, Hillary Smit, Genki Otsuka, And me Scott Charles. WE are attempting a feat of premium quality musical compositions and tones. I adore all of you.

The Innocence of Sunlight
This is a song about the process of growing from innocent children and becoming cold spirited, numb, selfish adults. Of course this doesn't apply to all...


Missing Mind of the Physically Blind Train Conduct


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* Your song 'The Innocence of Sunlight' has just been added to The Sun station!
* Your song 'Missing Mind of the Physically Blind Train Conduct' has just been added to Davies ISON AnD fRiEnDs station!
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* Your song 'Missing Mind of the Physically Blind Train Conduct' has just been added to IMP Playlist station!
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4/13/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 12/4/2024 1:55:14 AM
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The Lonely Conductor