This is my little page for a few of me tunes, & p'raps to meet a few cool people along the way too. I need a singer, so if anyone fancies doing some colaborations, pls let me know (i can't sing for f**kin' toffee, you see!)! I love to do a bit o' the ol' music, me so please feel free to have a lickle listen & let me know what u think! I hope it doesn't sound too much like a rip off of anyone else in particular - i try not to rip anyone off too much. We all have our influences but there's no point in just copying what's already been done, eh?! An original is always better than a copy-cat rip-off! Aaaaanyway, musically i'm into ANYTHING that's done with a bit of soul & passion - music with a bit of heart & 'spunk' in it. There's great stuff in every genre, just a shame there's so much SHIIIITE too!

Black cherry

Alternative Retro and Psychedelic

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