The Lamestream Crack kills
Yetis are happy but bigfoot............. What´s this ? Beethoven or Beethooven? (they put an extra O ). This was a signal recorded by the SETI (search for extraterrestrial intellingence ) . The message say : " You , humans, are not acostumed to the mucho bonito peace and love message , if you want to survive you must leave the Bigfoots and Yeti live without photos in cheap magazines and must make Ringo Starr the international president of mucho bonito peace and love, peace and love, peace aaaannnd love " More information of the Seti message in the updates of www. .
Out Tha Box Sound System Kroger has the skills to be a homerun hitter in the industry. Great producer. Keep it up brotha.
BLINDMAN ZERO da da da da, scream between plink, oops dropped a triangle