A driving rock song about how we fill our houses with stuff only to get bigger houses so we can get more stuff.
Martin Green
Portraits and posters and pictures and photos and frames
To spread on your wall like an outbreak
Cabinets and couches and crap coffee table displays
Our psychological maze& perfect collections of worthless possessions arranged
In every colour and shade
So roll up the doors
Open the gates
Fill up your spaces with all you can take
Bookshelves and benches and barstools in brochures we make
Frenzy the crowd like an earthquake
And miles and miles of bullshit we colourfully name
Send em all back again
So swipe up the cards
Write up the sale
Impulsive faces are waiting to pay
So light up the signs, let em all in.
Hike up the price, get em all in
Line after line, go…
fill your space
So load up your cars
day after day.
Get what you can and cram it in place.
Roll up in hordes.
Taketh away
Maketh the man and fill up your space
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