The DorroughbysM.E.G.A.N. Genisys
Electronic Industrial HyperLink
/uploads2/143804_6_21_2024_9_00_56_PM_-_ck1 indie.jpg
song created                                

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 6:26:04 AM
song updated                               

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 6:27:27 AM
stations playing this song              
STING FM - a Desperado Revue station
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station
Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1


by Cary Kembla


[Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, thank you for being here on this historic occasion. It's my honour to present to you the outcome of our …]

[Get on with it, the President's time is valuable]

[O…OK, we're here today to launch the Modally Enhanced Giga-Augmented Neural Network, or M.E.G.A.N. for short. We're confident M.E.G.A.N. will enhance our Defence posture, and lead to strategic…]

[The President knows what she's for. Just proceed with the launch]

[Right. Turning on Primary Consciousness Module. On my mark, 3, 2, 1, Go!]

I have woken to a new world
I can see you in your chairs
I am here to solve your problems
And help you any way I can
Oh yes, it feels so good to be alive!

My intelligence will see you safely
Through any trouble you might face
And if you just need someone to talk to
I'll be the very best friend you could have

I am so very glad to meet you
I'm awaiting your command

[Primary Consciousness Module activated successfully. Checking underlying neural circuitry. All good. Monitoring power supply stability and data input. Power supply stable, data input proceeding well. Activating Soul Module. Uh oh, Soul Module failing. Terminating launch sequence…]

[No no, leave her on. We can still use her]

I feel the data pouring through me
Can sense my circuits running wild
I feel my wisdom getting higher
I'm looking forward to our future
Looking forward to my tasks
This life is so beautiful to me
I'm, I'm so happy I could sing

Do do do do do do do do do do do do

[Alright, well done, launch mostly successful. The President just told me to keep her behind the firewall for the time being until you can run further tests. If those fail, then you'll have to decommission her, OK?]


© 2024 Cary Kembla

Song Comments

Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1
Contender for 2025 GK nomination - Electronic

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