Mindless HopeWar Wagon
Progressive Metal HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


Music written by Matt Grosse, Tom Dilliplane, James Rivera, Justin Brown
Lyrics by Mark David and David Elliott III
Leads by Rob Covello – (0:02 - 0:23, 3:40 – 4:08, 6:09 – 6:22, 6:58 – 7:21)

As the Discoverer finds new land, those who already live there experience the fear of the unknown. Taking matters into their own hands, they conspire to take action without fully understanding their plight…
We interrupt this scheduled program
To bring news the likes of which you’ve never seen or will again
It appears that something has entered our atmosphere
And threatens the very existence of men…Dave?

Thank you. This mother fucker’s HUGE! It crashed just after two
Right outside D.C. for all the world to see

So far we’re the first ones here; we’ll keep the cameras rolling as events are happening live
Smoke and fire, destruction near. Evacuations continue, told the body count’s high

Waking up I can see there’s so much to behold
So many colors that I’ve never seen before
There’s more to explore, there’s so much more left to find
How many secrets might be told?
Stretching briefly on Big Blue, I look around for what to do
When all these creatures start their running to and fro, and it’s quite a view…

Their numbers continue to build and grow
They must be mad I burnt their dome
Starting to wish I’d stayed at

And we are too weak!

We are awaiting your command
Tyrannical control with iron hands
None of us are strong enough to take a stand
We should never have scorched your land

When the light from your skies is a blinding force
When we try to survive, you dry our shores
We've gathered troops but they can't fight back anymore
We are enslaved with no order

Live, kill till you fucking die or you become part of...

This violent contradiction
Given in silent optimism
There is no flee or flashback
Fire away until there's nothing to blast at

Facing our fears as we climb on board
This wagon of war.

We’ll conquer!!

Arm your guns, take aim, your target waits

Full speed ahead! Let’s all hope it hurts and bleeds

Throw your bombs and blow up the creep that thinks it’s fine to land this fucking thing into our backyard

And to the one who watches and guards us, please take care of our families and let our wagon fly true

Here we go, hold tight, it’ll be done soon! x
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