What the Folk! unique, unusual and special. Michelle provides a completely different take on songwriting and presents a kinda three part song that displays a reflection of her personality and keeps you on the edge wondering what comes next.
FOUR;S COMPANY with pip & merry 4 all us with c.o.p.d
unplugged Michelle and the funeral sisters shows us all that there is nothing like an unplugged earthy and organic song to show off the truth in musicianship of an artist. not that it is raw, but rather a polished engaging and refreshing way to appreciate music without all the other stuff at our disposal, This song shows the truth of what songcrafting is through the quality of playing and how an acoustic works it magic. real good and real wonderful unplugged
Certified Organic totally cool work, a little quirky, and off the wall, what comes next from michelle is the question.this keeps you on the edge of your seat.is it one song or four,almost a medley but it is all tied together. have you ever wanted to sit and listen to someone at a small coffee house and get entertained like this, I am sure you have
Psyche Folk Delightfully whimsical n eccentric country-flavoured song from the sweet voiced Michelle Monger...Real sense of joy,freshness and exhuberance here