negative tendenciesOld Glory Shame
Protest Music HyperLink
song created                                

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:48:37 AM
song updated                               

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:49:44 AM
stations playing this song              
BIJOU FM - a Desperado Revue station
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station
RIVER FM - a Desperado Revue station
MATINEE FM - a Desperado Revue station


Movement 1 - Old Glory Shame
Movement 2 - Flag Fucker
Movement 3 - Fireworks

You fly Old Glory upside down
Your clan wipes shit on the capitol walls
Don't call yourself a patriot, you scum

DHis lackeys gather at the courthouse
wearing suits just like their king
They wish he were immune, they are that dumb

How could it be
that you just believed the ultimate liar
when he told you that he won when he lost by 7 million votes?
I am so ashamed that half the country is in this place
where they want to give our freedom over to him
and our democracy

He calls our soldiers losers, suckers
Tried to kill his own VP
Putin is his mentor for god's sake

You remember him as competent
What about his big fiasco Covid?
When he sells his bibles he's so fake

Old glory shame
Take her back from the MAGA cult
They don't know what our country's all about
America was born to be a place where there cannot be kings
and families of all faiths can call home

You gangrape Lady Liberty
the way you talk about immigrants
Corrupted court grabbed women by the crotch

I don't care about your sycophants
Non-entities is what they are
The Pied Piper turns out evil you just watch (Lied Piper)


Old glory shame
Take her back from the derelicts
who don't care where our documents have been
They get their "knowledge" from demented twits who flunked out school
Hypocrisy's their brand of oxygen

How could it be
that you just believed the ultimate liar
when he told you that he won when he lost by 7 million votes?
I am so fed up they can't see thru this conman creep
who clearly only cares about himself
puts law and order on the shelf
and the Liberty Bell
we must ditch him

Did you call yourself a patriot?
You're a traitor mouse, a traitor rat
You worship leaders who break their vows
You wear your red dictator hat
Step out of the arena now Flag Fucker

Alito Clarence the lowest low
Drive your motorhomes to Gitmo
Need decent men of honor instead
You corrupt lil fucks with your quid pro quo
Our great forefathers would kick your head Flag Fucker

You rip the heart from women's souls
Stealing power is your goal
You took a slice outa voter rights
to serve your rightwing hellhole
by catering to Christian whites Flag Fucker

Donald Trump
Pigman Bannon
Alito Shit
Mikey Flynn
Gym Jordan
Marjorie Trailer
Elise Stephanik
John Roberts
Roger Stone
Stephen Miller
Mitch McConnell
Josh Hawley
Ted Cruz
Scott Perry
Lindsay Graham
James Comer
Jeff Clark
Chuck Grassley
Andy Biggs
Mark Meadows
Ginny Thomas

One man is above the law
You thought it, now it's true
Corrupted right has rigged the court
Democracy is through

Time to cancel the fireworks show,
now America has a king
Independence Day is obsolete
the 4th of July now ain't no thing x
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