A jazzy folk rock kind of tune inspired by the likes of Traffic, Steely Dan and Van Morrison.
Rob Tobias (vocals, piano), Nancy Evergreen (harmony vocals), Ralph Novak (electric guitar), Sean Brennan (drums), Rich Glauber (bass), and David O'Tool (sax)
I was jamming with a jazz guitar student who was in the music school at the University of Oregon. We talking about theory and different progression such as the 3-6 2-5 progression. I just wrote a tune using some of the theory. The lyrics were inspired by a romantic break up.
GOOD TIME by Rob Tobias
One bright morning, the sun was shining
You came a riding, and we started talking
You showed me the flowers in your bouquet
“Such bright colors,” I say,
I picked one and it flew away, just like a bird
You said it was a good sign
That we could have a good time
We should have a good time, tonight
You say that it’s a tight fit, and we should never quit
But I took a hard hit, and I just can’t seem to shake it
Now, another day goes by, I can see those bluebirds fly
Wipe these tears from our eyes
I think we both should have a good time
Don’t you want to have a good time
I want to have a good time, tonight
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