Rob Tobias and The Northwest ExpressSocialism (Democratic)
Pop HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


A topical song by Rob Tobias and The Northwest Express. A fun visual romp through Democratic Socialism and the Bernie Sanders campaign. Rob Tobias sings and plays keyboard. Sean Brennan drums, Ralph Novak plays guitar and Mike Hatgis plays bass. Appearing in the video are Tobias, Hatgis and Novak along with Vip Short and Janice Medvin. Images include support for Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. The video was produced in the studio of Maximo Productions in Eugene, Oregon.

Written, Recorded and Produced (audio and video) by Rob Tobias. Rob Tobias, vocals and keyboard, Sean Brennan drums, Ralph Novak electric guitar and Mike Hatgis electric bass. Appearing in the video are Tobias, Hatgis and Novak along with Vip Short and Janice Medvin.

The song was inspired by the Bernie Sanders campaign and the way the national media fails to cover him... and when they do they act like Democratic Socialism is a scary thing. The song describes how we already have a form of socialism and how it really is a positive thing.
SOCIALISM (DEMOCRATIC) by Rob Tobias ©2015
So-cia-lism (It’s Democratic) So-cia-lism
No, Don't be afraid of No, I’m not afraid
So-cia-lism (It’s Democratic) So-cia-lism

Government for the common good
Many programs working just like they should
Creating jobs for the economy, and paying into social security
We pay for the fire and police, our taxes go to the military
If you’re riding on an Amtrak train
Or reading books from the library, it’s socialism

No, I’m not afraid No, Don't be afraid of
So-cia-lism (It’s Democratic) So-cia-lism

Without Social Democracy
Our Parks n Roads and Bridges they just wouldn’t be
We could have National Health Care
And make college education free (yeah Bernie)

No, I’m not afraid No, don’t be afraid of
So-cia-lism (It’s Democratic) So-cia-lism (Feel the Bern)

Socialism It’s civilized
Socialism Pay our fair share
Socialism We show we care
Socialism It’s good health
Socialism To spread the wealth

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