Original Song
Our Great Nation is full of strife - There’s trouble on every hand
Satan’s disciples are running wild - Trying to chase God from our land
Lust and greed are common place - False idols are everywhere
And the saddest part of all is - Most people don’t seem to care
Our country was founded on the principals of God - His Commandments were seen everywhere
In public places at every level - And everything started with a prayer
But satan got a few of his people - Claiming reference to God shouldn’t be
The judges agreed with what they said - And they rejected our Deity
Let’s return to God - put him first in everything
Let’s return to God - follow Jesus as our King
Let’s return to God - and repent of all our sin
Let’s return to God - and He’ll return to us again
The devil went to courts and the judges agreed - Saying,”Ban God’s name in our schools”
Professing themselves to be wise - They became little more than fools
Violence and hate have taken his place - And guns are a common tool
The schools will never be safe again - Without God and his Golden Rule
It’s not safe to go to a movie anymore - Or walk the streets at night
Violence has gotten completely out of hand - Much to the devil’s delight
It’s because we’re turning our backs on God - No longer care for our fellow man
A nation-wide revival is the only fix - For the mess that’s taken our land
Repeat Chorus
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