Fun Feel Good tune.
Don Lowe, Bruce Johnson and Drum Farm studios John Richardson.
I was looking at my New Mac's instuctions, It was a blank white booklet with just the word Hello on it. and this happened.
Hello Do you know where I’m going? Hello, Can you show me the way?
Hello, Did we meet for a reason? It’s the time of the season you know. Hello
Let’s Go, Every road leads us somewhere. Let’s Go, we can start right away
Let’s Go, Let our Feets do the walkin’ while our hearts do the talkin’ and grow.
Lets Go
Right away from the moment I met you, I knew I would never forget you
I knew I would never regret you , when you did the things you did I knew….
Together we can do anything, face down what life may bring
Turn the winter into spring, find the right notes to make our song sing
I know that I can’t live without you, I know that I’ll never doubt you
I know everything that’s about you.
You Know that I Know you know
While our hearts do the talkin’ and grow
Oh I know that you know I know
Hello….. Let’s Go/ You Know /I know/Hello
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