Eve's Thing is Good Songs Who could ever write her off? I love when she goes up for the high notes.
Tchaikovsky Loves These Songs stately piano, lovely vocal, w a plaintive lyric that recalls a scene from a Shakespeare play, the singer with the blues offering a song to a honey bee, who she wants around, dunno why, mayhaps for the honey? I dunno...lol...
Po(t)pouri sweet emotion, like Aerosmith says, a simple, mighty vibe, what a calm, tumultuous, sparklin' vocal and piano, and a world of emotion...
Greatest Clicks Sweet honey...
The Explorers explorin' new territory...
Eat***Love*** Pray such a purity of vocal tone, w a stately piano accompanying, a song alternately wistful and sweet & tender, such a unique sensibility, reminds me a bit of Dante, w a touch of Purgatorio and paradise wrapped up with a lovely production, kudos...