Apocalypse Radio WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE!!! Good Heavy Metal Number With Great Lyrics... -M-
Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 3 The augustan peacebetothem oaks, the monolith rising stark from the moonlit pinebarren. In all fortitudinous ajaxious rowdinoisy tenuacity. The angelus hour with ditchers bent upon their farm usetensiles, the soft belling of the fallow deers (doereh- moose genuane!) advertising their milky approach as midnight was striking the hours (letate!), and how brightly the great tri- bune outed the sharkskin smokewallet (imitation!) from his frock, kippers, and by Joshua, he tips un a topping swank cheroot, none of your swellish soide, quoit the reverse, and how manfally he says, pluk to pluk and lekan for lukan, he was to just pluggy well suck that brown boyo, my son, and spend a whole half hour in Havana. Sorer of the kreeksmen, would not thore be old high gothsprogue!