A pious fella who fools around...
Robot Raven
100 Mile Mormon was an idea from a short story written by my friend and neighbor, Steve Heaps. I thought a fellow who is pious at home but a playboy a hundred miles away deserved a song. His partner in crime, a "wandering jew" is, of course, a term for a type of houseplant, among other definitions.
100 Mile Mormon
He’s a hundred mile Mormon,
She’s a wandering jew.
When they got far enough away
they knew what they could do.
A bottle of Jack Daniels –
a room without a view.
This ain’t Salt Lake City, hon,
no one will have a clue.
Back home, he’s a living saint.
Virtue through and through.
Passed on all temptation.
Good citizen, tried and true.
But when he gets restless –
time to get out of town
where no one knows him
– he can fool around.
Back home, she’s a librarian,
quiet and demure.
Looking for excitement –
something not so pure.
Living in a fishbowl
has everyone watching you.
Time to make a getaway –
a thirst for passion overdue.
Together, a hundred miles away
they shared a single bed.
A secret kept so silent
or lives would be in shreds.
Among the saints and sinners
you think you know so well,
there’s a side you’ll never see
hidden in their hell...
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