Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 2 Pinck poncks that bail for seeks alicence where cumsceptres with scen- taurs stay. Bear in mind, son of Hokmah, if so be you have me- theg in your midness, this man is mountain and unto changeth doth one ascend. Heave we aside the fallacy, as punical as finikin, that it was not the king kingself but his inseparable sisters, un- controllable nighttalkers, Skertsiraizde with Donyahzade, who afterwards, when the robberers shot up the socialights, came down into the world as amusers and were staged by Madame Sudlow as Rosa and Lily Miskinguette in the pantalime that two pitts paythronosed, Miliodorus and Galathee. The great fact emerges that after that historic date all holographs so far exhumed ini- tialled by Haromphrey bear the sigla H.C.E. and while he was only and long and always good Dook Umphrey for the hunger- lean spalpeens of Lucalizod and Chimbers to his cronies it was equally certainly a pleasant turn of the populace which gave him as sense of those normative letters the nickname Here Comes Everybody.