A philosophical ballad.
How could I know what's in your heart?/ All I know is we're miles apart/ And when you talk is it the truth/ Or is it soothe, soothe, soothe/ I've never met anyone like you/ Cos there's never been anyone like you/ No not anyone./ All those things that you been through/ Well, I'm outside hidden from view/ Oh when that soul begins to rise/ And it fly fly flies/ I've never met anyone like you...../ I believe we relate by grace/ Through the glass do I see your face/ In mystery, and sympathy, through things unseen and seen and what's inbetween/ living in a dream/ Maybe I spoke to soon/ Maybe I do kinda know you/ Are we Gods that we can know? / Ah no, no ,no/ I've never met anyone like us/ Cos there's never been anyone like us....
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