Mike LanceThe Laureates are Dead
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana HyperLink
song created                                

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:26:29 PM
song updated                               

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 7:40:17 PM
stations playing this song              
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Mighty Jerkules Approved
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station
MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station
RIVER FM - a Desperado Revue station
NORM FM - a Desperado Revue station
Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1


Recorded in May 2024.

Everyone's been molting
And their new skin bares all that's come to light
Some are hardened, others change their shades and pigments
But mine's still paper thin
So mark on me
All you want to see worn on my sleeve
When all's been said
We'll know the Laureates are Dead

The unreliable narrator
In Joey's brain told tall tales to lead him astray
I missed the part where he got there
He must have caught that east wind
And hit those bitter waves
Aimlessly coasting on a bleak fermented sea
blanking out
How once the Laureates were found

There's something unseen lurking
In the alleyways of your scattered mind
Where it goes no one knows
But on a high like this, well you might turn a blind eye
So Drift on by
In a while it might fade from view
Don't ask why, we're only passing through

The countryside looks peaceful
When you fly by mile after mile on high
But if you pause a moment
In the shadows you'll find
The weary plight in the darkest night
To grasp at every straw
To act of spite, renew the fight
It's common character flaw x
Song Comments

Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1
Contender for 2025 GK nomination - Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Mighty Jerkules Approved
The latest from my The Sky Hits The Ground bandmate Mike Lance.

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