K-RTRO This song has very strong 60's garage elements. Mix that with modern production and you've got a really groovy song.
Sandman's Songbirds A great tune that successfully crosses between the sounds of both the 20th and 21st century. A strong dose of the present, yet with a big influence from the best of the sixties' sounds makes for a delightful audio ride!
PoPRoX British contemporary/retro sounding rock..kind of 60's....KEWL!
extravaganza rock pure rock sound;)
monsterTracks City done spit you out? Pull a ubanger in your monsterTrack for more eX-games!
quirky pop 801 Kinky without the sex
Rock your pants off this one has a nice feel to it. it sounds like it would be cool to see in concert.
somewhere A great tune that successfully crosses between the sounds of both the 20th and 21st century. A strong dose of the present, yet with a big influence from the best of the sixties' sounds makes for a delightful audio ride!
Kayak Number One Songs! week 51