Carole KlassSandman's Coming
New Blues HyperLink
song created                                

Saturday, May 25, 2024 10:39:39 PM
song updated                               

Saturday, May 25, 2024 10:41:20 PM
stations playing this song              
CRY FM - a Desperado Revue station
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station
MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 7


A adrk look at the end of life and love

Lyrics: Carole Klass
Music: Carole Klass, Stevie G.

Sandman’s Coming
Lyrics: Carole Klass

Verse 1
The sandman’s coming
The reaper’s strumming
Their footsteps running
On the ground
I feel the rhythm
They can take me with them
As their tattered wings unbound

Chorus 1
You know that you
Can’t hide from me
Take my hand and
Fly with me

Verse 2
Come on with me
You have nothing else
To give me
But the life that’s taken mine
And when we’re flying
You won’t care about dying
For fate is being kind

Chorus 2
…Think of all
That we can see
Far above
Tthis misery

Verse 3
Come on and kiss me
While I’m still breathing
Or you’ll be grieving our love
And when it’s over
We’ll sleep in clover
And love in heaven above

Stay with me, stay with me
For now that we are free
From angry voices
And all the wrong choices
We’ll sleep in harmony

The sandman is coming
The sandman is coming
The sandman is coming
The sandman is coming
Song Comments

Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 7
Contender for 2024 GK nomination - Blues

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