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   Rand Reynolds Hammer
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana HyperLink
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song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


R.Reynolds, ASCAP@2008

Shiny cars
Hotel mini bars
Available ass
And lotsa jack.
Friends with drugs
Girls to love
They pour the drinks
Treat like a king.

Crazy town
On this merry go round
The only thing you're missing
Is the top of your crown.
The press is quite vicious
But you're so damn delicious
And you won't hear a sound
When the hammer comes down.

This week
You're at the top of the heap
Next month
You're down in the dumps.
With the rest of the dung
Climbing all the rungs
For a shot at the stage
Where everybody wants to play.

Paparazzi dirt
Say a photo is worth
Its weight in gold
When you're bought and sold
By a corporate music cat
With a fistful of cash
Steering your career
Better watch your back.

When the hammer comes down
It won’t even make a sound
You lost control
Along time ago.
What little pride you have
Is now up for grabs
That fall from the top
Is quite the big drop.

What started as a dream
Went faster than a sneeze
Now you can't breathe
You lost all your company.
Where do you crawl
When done you've lost all?
And you ain't got a clue
Nobody told you what to do

The toys and the cars
And all the cool guitars
Sat and gathered dust
He could feel the rust
On everything he touched
And everything he loved
That meant something once
All that weighed a ton.
He didn’t care what that cost
Or what he had bought
Or how hard he’d fought
For the fame he’d lost.
Just a moment’s relief
The sweetness of peace
The final release
From his destiny…

Alone in a room
With everything to lose
He got a little too high
He didn’t plan on dying.

He’d heard the roar of the crowd
But his very last sound
Was the clicking of the hammer
When the hammer come down.

There were crosses on his lawn
A mock crucifix
Bics flashing in the wind
Cell phone pix.
Cd’s that were bought
Stained with tears on the ground
Every kid heard the shot
When the hammer came down.
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