John LudiWeb
Alternative Pop Rock HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
songs for autumn days


A song about the current deplorable state of biodiversity.

John Ludi did everything.

According to most reputable sources (i.e., those not directly subsidized by Industry...otherwise known as "amoral scumbag shills who would sell their souls for chump change if they actually HAD souls to sell") amongst the many nasty little tricks we are so eagerly playing upon the planet we call home is the vast diminishing of biodiversity, or as I cheerfully like to put it "the rending of the web". Now, despite my being a vegetarian and having SOME liberal notions, I am not exactly what you'd call a "treehugger". I am a pragmatist. And as a pragmatist I am appalled by how stupidly we have managed the upkeep of the only place we have to live. And as a realist/pragmatist I also realize (as should anyone who is not an idiot) that we are NOT separate from nature...we are part of it! And if we continue to over-consume and overpopulate, we are likely as not ALL GOING TO DIE! It's pretty simple: NO BIOSPHERE, NO HUMANITY.
Here we are watching everything unravel,

all the wonders of life now fade before our eyes.

Nature’s certainties now frail and sick and weary,

all her unities now falter fail and die

Grasping hands rend the web of things connected

our feeding frenzy and our thirst for more and more

The deserts we produce host the tombs of our grandchildren

who will reap the bounty of the warnings we ignored.

Implosion and erosion

Contortion and corrosion.

Debate and disavow and justify inaction

as the storm gathers above our busy heads.

Pretend the clouds are not looming on the horizon

shut out the visions and the fleeting face of dread.
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