2010 remix
Wet Dentist: bass, sequencers, synths, voxs, gits, etc
fiogf49gjkf0d Industrial-Strength Adhesive
manikins make babies in a moonlit display
oh terra forma
I understand feelings: both of them
an unbroken span
the hidden hand advancing
(I come to you with open arms)
this rotisserie is great
hot girls in love
promise absolutely anything
as long as beside it
is an asterisk
leading me down to the bottom of the page
or of the screen
McBain! Look out!
million dollar lubrication
done deal
hot girls in love
dwindling sectors of fragmented time
quit getting all Euclidean on me
encourage this hypothetical brain to make its synapses fire
semantic noise, harassed and tempted
stickier than industrial strength adhesive
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