Yetis are happy but bigfoot............. The screamo demo returns as monkey poop .The yetis love the song and bigfoots too.Nº 1 hit parade in Himalayas ´s quarters and is a wonderful lyric about monkey´s behaviour mucho bonito for the head.
The Groovy Station .........
Enigma very weird
The Laughing Man hahahaha monkey poop tastes so good hahahahahahaha baskin and robbins hahahahahaha don´t advertise haha the song structure is not defined hahahahahaha piano by Pierre Boulez hahahahahahaha
Surrealist Power Feet writes in a singer-songwriter vein. He sings about the sabana, the jungle and poetic activities they enjoy there. The carachter in the song is a strange human being that plays polyrythmic piano and have peculiar grastonomic tastes.
High Blood Pressure Modern life is so hard and they sing about monkey poop that is a form of relaxation ,piano and voice with hig blood pressure , nurse give me my nerve pills