Maria Daines Bandwagon To all the flowers in waiting...
Keeping The Green Alive !! Tom Waits changed my life...
~LIFE AFTER LIFE~ Can't imagine anyone trying..but like Tom say's in his melancholy piece can't be done. Fine song indeed!
NATURE ENTER ME! The snow melts, the first bulbs push green tips to the sun-
Kid Ric's Picks. As my friend Lightnin' said, "Tom really nailed this one". I whole heartedly believe he is right. Excellent tune!
COUNTRY AFFAIR with pip & merry global warming can
highway 66 WITH PIP & merry global warming can
Phamous Phlegm Phavourites I love Tom Waits many shifts in vocal stylin' this old skool louie armstrong-style voice he uses often, was ALWAYS wonderful Here's another one in that vein from Tom!
Phlegm Phavourite Country Rhythm n BLues This is more a jazzy/blues tune, but It's Tom at the TOP of his game. Beautiful Song