rough mix demo
featuring astrid young/lisa dalbello
see credits
fiogf49gjkf0d 1 v-
the stars out tonite seem to dare me, the loneliest man on the earth...
being without you surely scares me, it goes to my feelings of worth...
you are the ghost of what has been, some things can never be changed...
i’m of a mind to go dreaming, if loving you can’t be arranged...
it’s easy to say, it’s harder to do...
when love goes away, it goes away blue...
what ever happened to me and you ?..
2 v-
now part of me floats down this river, and part of my soul swims upstream...
tied to the gift is the giver, this pain is the source of my dreams...
when will my love be discovered, when will she ever be found,
when will she come into my life, lifting my soul off the ground ?..
4 v-
the stars out tonite seem to dare me...
being without you surely scares me...
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