Spacey. Haunting. Unlike anything else you'll hear, guaranteed. Make sure you stay tuned for the surprise ending. Shortwave recordings are from the Conet Project, Irdial records, permission for use applied for but pending. Words and voice provided by Emma, The Nail's 8 year old daughter, through a flowing stream of consciousness.
fiogf49gjkf0d You want to sing and dance and play with your shadow
You just don't have the time
Take some time and look at your shadow
What do you see in his eyes?
While you're singing it will sing
If you say shut up he'll sure shut up but -
Don't say that to your shadow.
Sing a song to your shadow
It will sing you back
Take a little stop and say
You're my shadow friend, why can't you play?
And then he'll say
You're my shadow friend, why can't you play too?
And all the things you want to sing
You might want to sing to your shadow and think
What is there more to see?
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