yup. Another Lo-Phi Gem pHRoM pHuCkinG pHLeGm !!!!!!!!
Lyrics and Music copyright 2009 pHLeGm, Conversation Suicide and Artfest Music.
guest guitar, bass, drums = the boyz from DRIZZLE.
Recorded, or actually caught by LUCK, at a rare "ON" moment, by some aspiring members of Conversation Suicide, via crappy mini-casette recorder condensor mic.
The model for the pic is my Daughter, Jodi Erin Franklin.
Photography copyright 2009 Artfest Music.
'Tis All about the EX, who always went out at night, while you stayed home
Best Lyric:
"you know you're thinkin' the same thing...
you know it's on your mind,
you know you're thinkin' the same thing...
where the hell were you last night???"
" SOmetimes iT's bEttER tO iGnOre it,
and try and kILL tHe pAiN (repeat)...."
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