The Gatekeeper indeed......groovin tune
INDIE SPIRIT With origins shrouded in mystery, archeological investigations have indicated divine lineage. When asked directly about the birth, the reply is vague, yet suggestive: "I can't remember, I wasn't there." Much is also not known about early formative years, but it is presumed keen skills were forged performing minor miracles at parties, fairs and informal social gatherings. Why the supernatural acts weren't widely reported remains in question, but since it was the 1960s, it is presumed that witnesses believed the miracles were just vivid hallucinations. Historical written records take minor note of a fanatical following beginning to form during the early 1980s, but then as suddenly as the group appears, they disappear from public eye. U.S. census records for the period track location to a small town in a rural. humble part of the country, where livestock still vastly outnumber human inhabitants on a 25 to 1 basis. It is believed that during this period of public privacy, family was sired, raised and an intense period of study was initiated in the dark arts of sound recording. Ultimately, as the dawn of the new millennium rose, a shining, near blinding light appeared; a salve for the senses, almost magical in nature. ... and then on the other hand, there's Kevin ...