Written by Morgann McClanahan / Rusty Varenkamp
I got the idea for “What I Do [Hallelujah]” one day when I started thinking about the generations of people over 1000's of years who’ve used their lives to further the Gospel. I began to wonder what a girl like me has to offer that hasn’t already been touched on by the da Vincis, C.S. Lewises and Billy Grahams of the world who have come before me. As I sat there in my Nashville apartment, I came to the conclusion that the answer is...nothing. There is nothing new under the sun. And even if there was, nothing I would ever create could do God justice. Yet the amazing thing is this: God doesn’t delight in my eloquence; the Bible says that He delights in the heartfelt praise of His people. So if that’s what He wants, that what I'll do.
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