An interview on Sikh FM
DirgeK : Mrs Thizzlethumb
Alison Hazelwood : Manjit Bhogul
Dirge went to a very multi ethnic school.The children were encouraged to learn about other cultures and religions. Dirge and her friend Alison made a tape called Sikh FM when they were about 14. Alison was DirgeK's best friend at school, they used to sing harmonies together and often performed at school functions. Alison is still singing, you can hear her on myspace
As well as being funny the tape is very informative about the Sikh religion and life. Dirge is doing the interview and is putting on a Liverpool accent, I think.
* Kesh (uncut hair)
* Kara (a steel bracelet)
* Kanga (a wooden comb)
* Kaccha - also spelt, Kachh, Kachera (cotton underwear)
* Kirpan (steel sword)
The 5 K's DirgeK & Alison Hazelwood (c) 1995
Kanga, Kachhs, Kirpan, Kanga, Kanga,
Kanga, Kacchs Kir-pa-a-a-aan.
Kanga is the comb to comb you hair
Kirpan is the sword that's always there
Kesh is the hair of a naturalist
Kara is the bracelet you wear round your wrist.
Kanga, Kachhs, Kirpan, Kanga, Kanga,
Kanga, Kacchs Kir-pa-a-a-aan.
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