AzwelPleading Eyes
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
Hit Worthy Wompom
OTHER FM - a Desperado Revue station
Chosen by Susie
Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 4


From the album Phantasmagoria

Song Comments

Chosen by Susie
Soothing vocals and overlapping melodies, then a lovely chorus with little surprises, not predictable at all.

Finnegans Wake Book 1 Chapter 4
Wery weeny wight, plead for Morandmor! Notre Dame de la Ville, mercy of thy balmheartzyheat! Ogrowdnyk's beyond her- bata tay, wort of the drogist. Bulk him no bulkis. And let him rest, thou wayfarre, and take no gravespoil from him! Neither mar his mound! The bane of Tut is on it. Ware! But there's a little lady waiting and her name is A.L.P. And you'll agree. She must be she. For her holden heirheaps hanging down her back. He spenth his strenth amok haremscarems. Poppy Narancy, Gial- lia, Chlora, Marinka, Anileen, Parme. And ilk a those dames had her rainbow huemoures yet for whilko her whims but he coined a cure. Tifftiff today, kissykissy tonay and agelong pine tomauran- na. Then who but Crippled-with-Children would speak up for Dropping-with-Sweat? Sold him her lease of ninenineninetee, Tresses undresses so dyedyedaintee, Goo, the groot gudgeon, gulped it all. Hoo was the C. O. D.? Bum!

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