In your name oh my lord we have plundered
In your name we continue to prosecute
In your name oh my lord we have tortured
In your name we continue to redesign
Continue to miss misinterpret
Continue to miss misconstrue
Continue to modify
Continue to rewrite
Rewrite the book
Mercilessly we tear asunder
The richness of our difference
We tear down all resistances
Sacrifice all in your name
We bow our heads as if in deference
Peace be to all
Peace be to all
Peace be to all mankind
It has become an empty slogan
Think it died along back with the Romans
Peace be to all mankind
In your name war we wage
We pillage and we maim
In your name war we wage
We pillage and we maim
A multitude of sin
In your name
We pillage and we
Pillage and we
Pillage and we maim
The glory that the saints they once upon a time could glean
Edited shredded
Censored Desecrated
Cut and hung
Cut and hung out
Hung out and strung out to dry
Cut and hung
Cut and hung out
Modified nullified adapted
Diluted and ghost-written for
The small screen
But a glimmer of light it still lingers
A glimmer of truth still remains
At the heart of these yellowing pages
Lies a message that cannot be tamed
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