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   Lucas KurmisBack in 420BC (feat. Kyrie Nova)
folk punk HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, January 1, 2024 9:59:33 AM
song updated                               

Monday, January 1, 2024 10:01:36 AM
stations playing this song              
ROOT FM - a Desperado Revue station
BRAND FM - a Desperado Revue station
MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 5


This is the 11th release of the visual album series of Another Time/Life/Universe. This is a homage to the song "Back When I Was 4" by Jeffrey Lewis and the fan-made music video by JD Garrett.

Vocals, acoustic guitar, percussion, mandolin, saxophone by Lucas Kurmis
Percussion, lutar, ukulele, bass, electric guitar, synth by Kyrie Nova
Mixed by Lucas Kurmis and Kyrie Nova
Mastered by Lucas Rollo

In 1850BC in Babylon
I played my music under the sun
You were sick, then you were gone
You lost everyone

I played at your healing rite
But it didn't help you feel alright
You were a sick and sorry sight
All green and gray and white

You were left and ostracized
But I would stay right by your side
We would find somewhere to hide
And I played until you died

In 420BC
I was a student of Hippocrates
No one really remembers me
But it was a time I was happy

You were staring at the moon
Swearing something would happen soon
They would laugh and call you a lunatic

Next in AD 46
We were talking about the apocalypse
We were standing under a crucifix
With a delicate mix

But then again in year 610
We were saying "carpe diem"
Happiest we've ever been
And then

Then in 1925
I was institutionalized
I was criticized and excorcized
And held there 'til I died

But when I knew that you were there too
I felt happy for a minute or two
They shocked our brains 'til they were stew
Then life began anew

Sometime later in '73
I was hooked on LSD
I took so much I couldn't see
And I swear it almost killed me

We kept it going 'til '77
I did so much I was in heaven
I took whatever I was given
It was a crazy way of living

But then my mind was forever changed
The chemicals took over my brain
I'm pretty sure I was insane
And nothing was the same

In 2015 I played guitar
I deluded myself into thinking I was a star
I didn't make it very far
Until I was in the hospital again

You weren't really in my life
At that time

Skip to 3066
We made it through an actual apocalypse
We let all the land fall off
And burn, burn, burn

We were living Fallout style
In little holes that went on for miles
When I got out, I saw your face and I

In 7078
I was in the center of the milky way
You were still kind of hanging out
In the boonies

Thanks to rips through time and space
Every once in a while I could see your face
But even through half the galaxy
You never felt that far away

Then in the time of infinity
We were all just energy
I was you as you were me
And we were all together x
Song Comments

Desperado Revue 2024 GK Contenders - 5
Contender for 2024 GK nomination - Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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