Lion of RedemptionManna - Orchestral Version
Film Music HyperLink
song created                                

Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:16:04 PM
song updated                               

Thursday, July 25, 2024 10:21:21 PM
stations playing this song              
GLOBE FM - a Desperado Revue station
LABEL FM - a Desperado Revue station
MARQUEE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1


A song reflecting on the Israelites wandering in the desert. A cry for revival in "sackcloth and ashes."

The chorus came to me after listening to a sermon on the radio focusing on the 40 years of testing in the wilderness in the book of Numbers.
We pray for life to flow in this desert. (that is- in our souls / spiritual dryness)
Our hands are dirty and our mouths pervert (Isaiah 59:3)
We try to be better, but always come up short (Romans 3:23)
Without you we are useless as dirt. ("dust you are" Genesis 3:19)
We waited for relief, but it only got hotter (For all this his anger is not turned away... Isaiah 9:18-21)
Wolves prey on us; save us from slaughter (metaphor for false prophets Matthew 7:15)
We are the clay; you are the potter (Isaiah 64:8)
Restore us with your living water (Isaiah 44:3 & John 7:38)

Oh Lord, rain down manna from heaven. (I'm not asking for physical bread, but his word Deuteronomy 8:3)
Jesus, you are the bread of life; revive us again. (John 6:35)
Oh Lord, rain down manna from heaven.
Your word sustains us in this dry and weary land. (Psalm 63:1)

Serpents surround us; their poison injecting (not just physical snakes- python spirits / divination / addictions / big pharma Numbers 21:6)
We brought it on ourselves; what were we expecting? (welcoming paganism with open arms, reconstruction of the Arch of Baal in NYC, projection of the Hindu death goddess on the Empire State Building. Jeremiah 8:5, 17)
We ignored your love and kept on rejecting- (LGBTQ hijacking the rainbow, a symbol of God's love and covenant with Noah. Genesis 9:13)
Making golden calves despite your protecting. (Charging Bull on Wall Street - a modern-day golden calf and repeat of the sin of Jeroboam Exodus 32:4, 1 Kings 12:28)
But thank you God for your mercy and your grace. (Hebrews 4:16)
We surrender to your will; come take your rightful place. (Proverbs 3:5-6, 1 Peter 3:15)
We are tired of trying to win this endless rat race. (rat race is an idiom for vain and trivial worldly pursuits Ecclesiastes 2:11)
Extend to us your arm and we shall see you face to face (the arm of the Lord being Messiah. Isaiah 53:1)

We want more of you Jesus
We want more of you Jesus
Only you satisfy the hunger of our souls. (Psalm 107:9) x
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Desperado Revue 2025 GK Contenders - 1
Contender for 2025 GK nomination - World

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