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Alternative Retro and Psychedelic HyperLink
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Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
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B Sides
ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC
Wasa Express jazz-rock palace
quirky pop 801
The Talent Searcher
Original Radio
IMP Playlist


5/4 meter, suckas

T Atria

Song Comments

ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC
I'm in love with everyone too..Beautifully,strange,luxurious and exotic psychedelic mystery ride.Creative and magical..

quirky pop 801
I scratch my head, then I scratch my - oh, never mind. Waves of weirdness wash over me as I hear this song, and it feels good in an itchy kind of a way. It also reminds me of blood flowing through my brain... you know how your ears kind of throb sometimes and you can sort of hear your own blood flowing? Or maybe that's just me. This odd time signature song reminds me of that feeling...am I having a stroke? The Japanese train station at the end is a little too close to home! Dang! I spilled my coffee.

I scratch my head, then I scratch my - oh, never mind. Waves of weirdness wash over me as I hear this song, and it feels good in an itchy kind of a way. It also reminds me of blood flowing through my brain... you know how your ears kind of throb sometimes and you can sort of hear your own blood flowing? Or maybe that's just me. This odd time signature song reminds me of that feeling...am I having a stroke? The Japanese train station at the end is a little too close to home! Dang! I spilled my coffee......From 'QUIRKY POP 801'

The Talent Searcher
5/4 is not a odd meter , it´s a normal meter . This group is interesting but not for the so called "odd meter " but for the harmonies and the arrangement , very sunny and very late 60´s California summer of love .I wonder where they get the keyboard , sounds dated but very good in the song . At the end of the song we have a recording of a street as a soundscape.

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