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   Chandra MoonPeople of This Earth
Spiritual HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
stations playing this song              
Heavy Rotation
Wide Angle
Hi Ho Steverino
Lonesome Wolf Radio
{ { Get in the Ring } }
New Age Inspirational
Gyroscope Rock
Gyroscope Folk
What the Folk!
Home Grown
La Familia
The Acoustic Channel
The Ocean
music is truth II
Christmas Moon
Mystery Too
TRUE FM - a Desperado Revue station
DOVE FM - a Desperado Revue station
The Retsej Indie Radio


I wrote this song about peace and equality - sadly still relevant today in these times of racism, war and strife it seems the only way to counter war is for people to recognise their sameness rather than our difference and find peace in themselves.

Chandra Moon - Compostion and lyrics, vocal, guitar
Richard Bloom - Production and guitar
Alphonse Daudet Touna - Djembe
Suzy Condrad and Leeza Jessie - Backing vocals

People of This Earth

Regardless if we’re black or white,
We need to know what’s wrong from right.
No matter if we’re gay or straight,
We all should learn to love not hate.

We’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal birth
Yea, we’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal worth.

And if our bodies are impaired,
The fault lies with the fools who stare.
If we’re young or if we’re grey,
We’re beautiful in our own way.

We’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal birth.
Yea, we’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal worth.


We may have sought, we may have found
Or still be seeking all around.
And as we move towards our goals,
We all want peace within our souls.

We’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal birth.
Yea, we’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal worth.

We’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal birth.
Yea, we’re all people of this earth
And we are all of equal worth.

© Chandramoon June 2006

Song Comments

New Artist

Home Grown
It's all about us.

Lonesome Wolf Radio
Chandra comes a howlin' with this GREAT tune "People of This Earth" ... hooooowwl yes !!!

What the Folk!
stunningly beautiful

New Age Inspirational
Glorious piece of work from Chandra moon, lovely guitar and very magical vocals, wonderful uplifting and inspiring song. love the bridge, beautifully produced. great percussion, nice tasty guitar and well placed bass playing, I sincerley love this peice due to its positive message well done Chandra, from Bryon, keeper of the New Age stations cheers

a sonic tapestry, with a cool exotic vibe, reflects hope...

Christmas Moon
I hope you like this song - it seems the right one for Christmas!

Mystery Too

music is truth II
Lovely song from a beautiful soul, Chandra has a magical essence to her being and shares with us her deep waters of life she has lived and shares a seriously outstanding song

Beautiful! Chandra Moon! BEAUTIFUL!!! -M-

Beautiful! Chandra Moon! BEAUTIFUL!!! -M-

Hi Ho Steverino
So timely, plus a great song on its own!

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