Michael BehmSaving America
Power Pop HyperLink
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


Power Pop track with a hip 70s feel

Saving America looks at the state empire America

I hear your music
Rootie toot, toot ratty tat, tat
I think your music is sounding quite flat how’s about that
It’s all so amusing summertime’s back their popping a cap
You bought the allusion by kissing the ring of your redneck king

This song is saving America
This song is saving America
Cause were only as good as our words
In our last song

I’m so enthused now that love is in style
It’s been taking a while
You bought the allusion by kissing the ring of your redneck king

This song is saving America
This song is saving America
You know we love you America
Cause were only as good as our words
In our last……………….. Song
Ya, ya, ya America

This song is saving America
This song is saving America
Cause were only as good as our word
In our last song

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