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   Chandra MoonRain, Rain It Poureth Down!
Acoustic Folk HyperLink
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Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
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Nice Vocals
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Letters to the Dead
Folk Acoustic Americana
A Quiet Ambiance
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Over The Moon
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Aberdeen Scotland Europe The World
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KINDRED FM - a Desperado Revue station


This song was inspired by a West African rhythm which is similar to a lot of folk music. The time signature is 7/8 but feels more like 12/8 as it's all in triplets! I wrote the lyrics in 2007 after terrible floods in the UK and devastating floods in Kenya. Although the tune seems happy, the message is serious.I was delighted that Jo May agreed to play the bodhran and spoons on this track with Paddy Uglow on the fiddle. It reached #1 in all genres here for several weeks! Mastered version.

Chandra Moon - composition, guitar
Richard Bloom - guitar, arrangement and production
Jo May - bodran, traditional bone spoons
Paddy Uglow - fiddles
Ursula Monn - backing vocals

The Rain

Rain it falls upon the ground,
On the fields and on the towns.
Rivers fill until they flood
Streets and houses full of mud.

Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!
Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!

The sky turned black, the clouds did form
We had to shelter from the storm.
The wind it blew, the branches sway
The sun it should be bright today

But rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!
Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!

We’ve burnt the coal and used the oil
Sucked the life from the very soil
They say that things will only get worse
And global warming’s our future's curse.

Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!
Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!

Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!
Rain, rain it poureth down
Please dear God
Don’t let us drown!

Chandramoon © July 2007

Song Comments

Over The Moon
This is a very folky but lively track based on an African djembe rhythm with a serious twist and featuring Jo May on bone spoons and bodhran and Paddy Uglow on fiddles.

What the Folk!
Upon request I listened to this one and thought, why not, it possesses elements of old country folk music but with a modern twist coupled with some unique percussion of exotic qualities.The rhythmic aspects are really intriguing and interesting and it moves along quite quickly and is a tune that could be danced to no problem. the lyrics are excellent too Chandra has captured something special indeed on this one and it would fit on many folk driven radio stations and indie dj programs I am sure

Guitarist and Composer Lawrence Blatt has been performing his finger-style-guitar compositions for over 30 years. His new release: "Fibonacci's Dream" is the culmination of that history in layers and organic part writing. With thirteen soothing guitar melodies, many of which are played in open tunings, the collection can be called 'acoustic solitude.' After spending years studying classical music as a violinist, Blatt's melodic yet intricate interaction of moods that lay beneath his alternate tunings are balanced by careful dynamics and intonation.

Das Reservat
Really interesting instrumentation and time sig. Love the vocs.

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