Oh my God, You'll Love This experimental, alternative meatloaf, crazy a pastiche...
SOUND COMMUNITY dramatic, like a meatloaf "paradise by the dashboard light," bryon's voice shines, the keys swirl and gallop, it breathes, hear the birds, hear the glorious story...
Outside the Window bruce springsteen, elton john-ish, w neat piano/organ work, a bold, adventurous work that gallops and saunters, cries and whispers, bold storytellin' also, the birds sing along, they bless this song...
tHe gArAgE this song has a garage band feel,piano man banging out the chords and just having fun singing some nonsense kinda a mish mash of chicken gumbo and shrimp cocktail stirred up, would you drink it, probably not, one time listen wont hurt you
ALtErNaTiVe ReTrO aNd PsYcHeDeLiC Strang,engaging multi-suite song...Creative and interesting musical storytelling n sweetly eccentric....Tangenting,leaping n time changin'...Its 'the winding road we're on ' with Jack n Jill
RAVEN Lots of colour and unusual twists and turns in "Holy Water", its like a movie in your mind, strange and even macabre noir. Quite creative if I can say it, multitude of timing changes, interesting vocals, the guy can sing too, such a variety of musical avenues and directions are covered ,even like a musical adventure of sorts . reminds me of Lucy in the sky with diamonds vibe perhaps
kaleidoscope Lots of colour and unusual twists and turns in "Holy Water", its like a movie in your mind, strange and even macabre noir. Quite creative if I can say it, multitude of timing changes, interesting vocals, the guy can sing too, such a variety of musical avenues and directions are covered ,even like a musical adventure of sorts . reminds me of Lucy in the sky with diamonds vibe perhaps
eYe 5 EyE 5 eYe 5 eYe am eYestounded, is this me, singing,whoa really its a dream , or a nightmare, its a montage of artistic endeavors and experimental creative craziness. and sounds interesting, chicken gumbo and meatloaf all slathered together to form a new dish of sorts, who would have thought.